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about me

Ryota was born in Osaka in 1984, and started his career in NY soon after graduating from the beauty college in manhattan.

And he has worked with the many famous photographers, stylists and actors in TKO and also done many campaigns and magazines.(Pepsi,Suntory,Fujifilm,P&G,L'Oreal,syoss,Kanebo,SONY,SHARP,NTT..)

Now he is  based in Osaka,establishing R makeup school.

1984年 大阪生まれ。

高校卒業後NYへ。Learning Institute of Beauty Sciences (NY) 卒業後、hair slon CarloMarco Studioに勤務する傍ら、ファッション誌や広告の撮影、NY collectionに参加。

帰国後makeup artist として活動。

2015年  R makeup schoolを設立。

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